Marianne S.
Before meeting with Melinda, I didn't realize how much my own thoughts were weighing me down and getting in the way of my success. Working with Melinda helped me to identify thought patterns (that I've had for YEARS) that weren't serving me at all. She's an excellent listener and was able to get to the root of my stuck energy quickly! Melinda introduced me to new insights and thought patterns that have elevated my entire life!

Peggy R.
Over the last few months I have visited with Melinda several times for Life Coaching and have found her helpful and delightful.
Melinda has qualities that are essential for this profession. She is non-judgmental, thoughtful, very funny, and wise. She is serious about helping others to live freer, happier lives. I could talk to her about anything and I felt both love and excellent advice.
Melinda gave me mental “take aways” that I can grab onto when I start feeling anxious or emotionally sinking such as: “We don’t have to be happy all the time”, and “it is just a thought, it will pass”, and ways to letting go of control.
I am glad I found her. Her advice has helped me.

Lexi E.
Spending time with Melinda has been life changing for me. She has walked with me through my experiences, thoughts, and feelings, helping me to understand myself and teaching me skills for approaching and thinking about my life that have empowered me. Melinda has helped me realize how much control I have over my life by teaching me about the power of my thoughts, giving me the tools to choose happiness and gratitude, to successfully cope with challenges, and to get rid of fear for good. I know she believes in me and is invested in me, not just when we're sitting face to face but when she sends me messages of encouragement or information pertinent to the things we've discussed. I put to practical use every day the things Melinda has taught me, and I have seen my life truly transformed. With Melinda's help, I have found the confidence to more fully take control of my life and the courage to believe in myself.

Barbara S.
Melinda is a remarkable Life Coach, and she has made a difference to me in the way I view my brain, and how it works. Melinda showed me new ways of looking at challenges, and a practical way to sort through choices I have before me. She is someone who understands that life always moves forward, and she can always spot the good in life. Melinda is extremely easy to talk to and is an expert at providing a listening ear without judgment or agenda. Melinda can see the bright side of life, but also realizes the 50/50 balance that life presents.
In all ways, I recommend her as a Life Coach who can provide a path to new thoughts and new results.
Lora E.
Thank you for the wonderful conversation. What a blessing it has been to me every day since we talked. You gave me exactly the direction, advice, and validation I needed to move forward toward healing and happiness. Life coaching is a gift, and I'm so glad you are willing to share it. You're the best!