I think as we grow older, our Christmas list gets smaller and the things we really want for the holidays can’t be bought. What I want for Christmas is to have my kids near me. I want to spend quality and quantity family time. I want to show up as a loving wife, sister, mom and meema. I want to increase my testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. This doesn’t all just happen on Dec. 25th.
It’s called the Holidays-- it’s plural DAYS for a reason. It’s not just one day Dec. 25th but the days and weeks in between Thanksgiving and New Years that we get to spend with family and friends and focus on Jesus’ birth. His birth changed everything and it’s worth celebrating.
Here’s what I want to keep in my holidays.
I want to keep family time- extended gatherings, small dinners, movie watching, singing and playing together, sleep overs, traditions old and new.
I want to listen to Christmas music and go to Christmas theatrical events.
I want to find gifts that say-- “Hey, I love you and I’m grateful for what you add to my life.”
I want to watch Hallmark Christmas movies and think of my mom and sister, Marcie.
I want to slow down and sit by the fire and sip hot cocoa.
I want to go out and see the decorations, lit trees, colorful houses and people.
I want to decorate my own home with memories.
I want to take walks in the cold air and count my blessings.
I want to remember Christ more, speak of Christ more and be more Christ like and try harder to be a little more kind than I was last year.
These things all work for me, and keep me in the holiday spirit which is Christ-like-loving and caring for others and for myself.
I don’t want to shop til I drop, and buy just because it’s on sale, and add more stuff to everyone’s home that they don’t need.
I don’t want to go overboard with decorations and wear myself out trying to show off for whom?
I don’t want Dec. 25th to roll around and be tired and irritated and ready for it all to just be over so I can clean it all up and move on.
I don’t want to have thoughts that keep me frazzled, frantic and frustrated.
What works for you in the holidays and what doesn’t?
Get rid of the things that aren’t working for you and making this holiday time just a bothersome check list.
There is so much Pinterest pressure. Get off social media and just do your own thing, whatever that looks like. If social media inspires you, that’s one thing, but if it depresses you and you move into compare and despair- Turn. It. Off.
So many people just roll their eyes, feel pressure about and talk negatively around this time of year. They complain that Christmas has become too commercial, is not about Christ anymore and reminds them what they don’t have money-wise, or friend and family wise.
Instead of hating the holidays and filling yourself with all sorts of "Scroogey" thoughts let’s focus on what you can like about them, maybe even love.
I am so grateful for the reason for this season and that’s what I want to celebrate. What a beautiful time of year.
