We knighted our grandchildren last night in a fun ceremony of light.
Wayne and I wore capes and crowns and we made crowns for the kids as well. We had them come up one at a time and the Papa of the Welch Clan spoke lovely words over them, then with his ceremonial sword, he dubbed them “Sophia the Confident”, “Alfie the Courageous” and “Lady the Brave” to name a few.
They were grinning from ear to ear.
We gave these titles in an effort for our grandkids to start to believe new things about themselves and see themselves in new ways.
You don’t need capes, crowns, swords and ceremony to believe new things about yourself or your world. All it takes is acceptance and repetition.
When you want to believe something new you have to decide to learn it by thinking it and practicing it over and over while accepting it as TRUE, until eventually believing it.
Decide what you want to believe by visualizing it.
Create the sentence in your brain.
Accept it as true.
Practice and repeat.
I’m practicing these beliefs. Maybe you can too.
Next year is going to be the best year yet.
Today is awesome just how it is.