100 Things I appreciate about me or 100 reasons for me to LOVE me.
This isn't about thinking about my self more, this is about thinking about my self differently - more positive and appreciative so I can think about myself much less.
This is true confidence!
1. I'm a good mom who accepts and loves my kids exactly as they are
2. I have a lot of friends
3. I gather my extended family
4. I'm a dark chocolate lover
5. I enjoy sex with Wayne
6. I exercise and walk at least three times a week.
7. I love to travel
8. I enjoy a long airplane ride- with a good book or movie
9. I perform on the stage
10. I sing in church and at funerals
11. I reach out to others and go to lunch at least once a week.
12. I enjoy a good, long hug
13. I love teenagers
14. I make a great Sunday Dinner
15. I make time for swim days.
16. I love to read self development books
17. I love to read historical novels
18. I love a hot bath- or a hot tub
19. I'm spontaneous
20. I know how to be fun, I bring the fun
21. I get my hair done and my makeup on every day, even if it's only from me
22. I'm a good teacher
23. I can sew
24. I paint
25. I have good priorities
26. I love to shop for bargains
27. I'm a positive person
28. I'm kind
29. I like to decorate my home
30. I love my husband on purpose
31. I can do hard things
32. I'm an excellent speaker
33. I love to laugh
34. I have amazing hair
35. I a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ
36. I have a great sense of direction in a mall or shopping center
37. I birthed 4 babies
38. I went through the adoption process for my 5th baby
39 I'm not afraid of other people's judgements
40. I have shapely legs
41. I don't watch the news
42. I'm a person others want to be around
43. I try new things
44. I love learning
45. I love going to movies
46. I don't hang on to grudges
47. I'm a good coach
48. I'm a self starter
49. I laugh out loud at movies and plays
50. I believe Heavenly father's plan for me is perfect
51. I enjoy road trips
52. I don't think I'm better than anyone else
53. I am a great sleeper
54. I am close to my family
55. I'm obsessed with human behavior
56. I love a good tv show
57 I'm not afraid to ask for help
58. I'm close to my Mother in law
59. I love to work
60. I'm open minded
61. I'm not easily offended
62. I make decisions easily
63. I'm not a worrier
64. I sing loud in my car
65. I love my life
66. I can perform "a goose that laid the golden egg" spoonerism
67. I keep a journal
68. I wrote a book about my children
69. I wrote three children's books
70. I love sunsets
71. I love going to spiritual/ self improvement conferences- TOFW
72. I take meds for depression
73. I love the sun
74. I road bike for miles and miles and love doing this with Wayne
75. I play with my grand kids
76. I am forgiving
77. I enjoy a Maverick run
78. I keep a clean home
79. I can make chocolate chip cookies without looking at a recipe
80. I continue to mess up my right and left hand
81. I love a good nap
82. I'm managing my brain
83. I love Bear lake time- or sitting on any beach
84. I'm an on time person
85. I enjoy church meetings
86. I have a testimony of the gospel
87. I do date nights with Wayne
88. I love kanasta
89. I love my bed
90. I can say the alphabet backwards
91. I love listening to Wayne's stories over and over
92. I'm funny
93. I'm a record keeper
94. I love funky shoes
95. I love my body
96. I love Broadway musicals
97. I love watching my kids on stage
98. I am my kid's biggest cheer leader
99. I knit
100. I set goals
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